The Matter Mentality Podcast

Go deep on performance science, nutrition, and training through personal experiences and unique conversations and stories from Ben Mayfield-Smith and his guests. Nothing is off the table! With education, motivation and training fascination - come along on the journey and build your Matter Mentality.

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Saturday Feb 04, 2023

Already 1 month down in 2023 - and there's big things in the works. In this episode, Ben goes behind the scenes of where Matter Athletica stands at this point of the new year, our plans for Q1 and exciting announcements for February.

Monday Dec 26, 2022

This week on the Matter Mentality podcast we are joined by a very special guest. Paul Jordan is a former Australian SAS operative who served in fields like Rwanda and the Banda Aceh tsunami. He also acted as a private security operative across major conflict zones including North Africa and the Middle East for journalists from the BBC, ABC and CNN. Paul was also a UN peacekeeper and security adviser. He has now turned to corporate speaking as well as writing, releasing his book ‘The easy day was yesterday; The extreme life of an SAS solder.'
This episode explores all of this and the mental tools he used to overcome and defy these extraordinary situations. Exploring how you might be able to implement some of these elite SAS skills into your everyday life.

Sunday Dec 18, 2022

Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down for 2 hours with Coach Kav. He is the founder of AthleteHQ, has worked with elite athletes like Yohan Blake, Landon Collins, Keenan Reynolds and many more.
His programs and culture have helped 50,000 plus athletes go on to further their career or life. He is a 5 sport athlete and Newyork times best selling author. We talk about all of this and much more! This is the Matter Mentality.
This is the second hour of that conversation.

Monday Dec 12, 2022

Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down for 2 hours with Coach Kav. He is the founder of AthleteHQ, has worked with elite athletes like Yohan Blake, Landon Collins, Keenan Reynolds and many more.
His programs and culture have helped 50,000 plus athletes go on to further their career or life. He is a 5 sport athlete and Newyork times best selling author. We talk about all of this and much more! This is the Matter Mentality.
This is the first hour of that conversation. 

Life After The Stage

Monday Nov 28, 2022

Monday Nov 28, 2022

In this weeks episode, Ben shares how life and business are travelling post competitive season. It's all about getting back to health, focusing on the business and getting back to helping clients do what they do best with Matter Athletica. Achieve goals!

Monday Nov 21, 2022

In this episode, we explore everything that happened mentally for me from 2 weeks out of the first show. And the direction that we're seeing the bodybuilding world going. Pros and cons, it's all laid bare from a very tired and exhausted bodybuilder.

Saturday Sep 24, 2022

Caloric restriction is often explored by coaches in this industry. Subjects like, 'how we burn extra fat for fuel' and 'how we get lean and keep muscle'. Very few explore the psychology of fat loss and what that entails. In this episode, we look at some of the key responses you will experience psychologically in your journey to being shredded that we think are worth knowing.

The Important Tricks To Dieting

Saturday Sep 17, 2022

Saturday Sep 17, 2022

Dieting to get lean is a hard enough task as it is. The body hates us for it, our life slips because of it, our mood drops from from it. In this episode, we explore a few of the tricks we employ with clients and myself as my own client to really minimise the pain dieting causes while we're in it. We all suffer it but there's no brownie points for suffering more than necessary!

The Truth About Imposter Syndrome

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

In this episode, I talk about and explore the in's and outs of imposter syndrome as a potential limitation and positive influence. I have dealt with and battled this very concept for many years and hope this may shed some light on the subject for others just like me. Not to diagnose but open up the conversation!

Prep and Business Update #4

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022

At 7 weeks out this episode is all about updating our current headspace, business growth and how were moving as a brand. We want to be as transparent on both our training and bodybuilding side as well as the business and what goes on behind a growing service brand. Follow along to learn it all.

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